List of spectra for NICODOM IR Environmental Pollutants
For the first time, FTIR
spectra of environmental pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
appears in a commercially available spectral library. This
unique FTIR spectral library contains spectra of: Polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCB) selection from 217 congeners Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
(PAHs) Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC) Phthalates Aliphatic and Aromatic
Hydrocarbons Aliphatic and Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, Halogenated Aromatic Amines Phenols |
Selected international
regulations where the compounds are mentioned:
DIN 38407 DIN ISO 14154 DIN ISO 15913 DIN ISO 6468 EN 12766 EN 1948 |
EN ISO 18857 EPA 1668 EPA 3500 EPA 3550 EPA 429 EPA 550 |
EPA 601 EPA 610 EPA 624 EPA 8041 EPA 8061 EPA 8081 |
EPA 8082 EPA 8091 EPA 8131 EPA 8260 EPA 8270 EPA TO-17 |
ISO 11338 ISO 16362 JIS K 0311 NIOSH 1003 NIOSH 1500 NIOSH 1501 SPIMFAB |
This FTIR spectral library can
be purchased separatelly or as a part
of cost effective library package NICODOM
IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra. The Nicodom FTIR spectra of
toxic and hazardous compounds were collected using the FTIR Spectrometer
Nexus 670 (Thermo) and the Miracle single bounce ATR accessory (Pike
Technologies) equipped by Diamond, ZnSe, or Si crystals. The Nicodom spectral library of polymers features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement time 1 minute. The complete information is
available in the full library version (not available in the demo list of compounds) The last library update has
been done 2011, the Nicodom IR Libraries include many new substances which
came to market during the last decade. This FTIR spectra library is
available as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic
software. Also it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format. To download the list of
spectra, to download a free demo library compatible with your software, to
check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering info and
information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other NICODOM products
please visit our webpage. Download
List of spectra for NICODOM IR Environmental Pollutants |
NICODOM IR Environmental Polutants, 769 spectra
Copyright © NICODOM 2011-2024
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech
Republic, EU