NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra


symbol: irritant symbol: harmful to the environment symbol: explosive symbol: carcinogen symbol: highly flammable symbol: corrosive


NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra is an advanced FTIR spectral database of 7313 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of hazardous and toxic compounds. It consists of 6 independent libraries:


NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous, 2319 spectra

NICODOM IR Environmental pollutants, 769 spectra

NICODOM IR Pesticides, 1302 spectra

NICODOM IR Drugs, 1463 spectra

NICODOM IR Suspect Powders, 1015 spectra

NICODOM IR Solvents, 445 spectra



This allows you to compare your unknown spectrum with separate libraries, group of libraries or with all libraries.


You can order the separate libraries or a cost effective package of six mentioned libraries. You get a significant price advantage if you order the complete package. Single libraries are substantially more expensive than the package.


Scroll down this page for detailed information about each spectral library. List of compunds is also available.


The Nicodom FTIR spectra of toxic and hazardous compounds were collected using the FTIR Spectrometer Nexus 670 ™ (Thermo) and the Miracle™ single bounce ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) equipped by Diamond, ZnSe, or Si crystals.

This Nicodom spectral library features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement time 1 minute, the instrument was purged by dried air.



  NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous, 2319 spectra

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„NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous, 2319 spectra“ contains 2319 spectra of hazardous/toxic chemicals such as Aromates, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Inorganics, Phenols, Ethers, Heterocycles, Silanes, Amines, Amides, Heterocycles, Heavy Metal salts and many other types of compounds.

Compounds were labeled (ANSI Z129.1-1988) as Danger, Warning, Caution, Poison, Flammable, Explosive, Oxidizer, Corrosive, Toxic, Cancerogenic, Water Reactive, Irritant, Harmfull.


This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.



NICODOM IR Environmental pollutants, 769 spectra


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For the first time, FTIR spectra of environmental pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) appears in a commercially available spectral library.


This unique FTIR spectral library contains:


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) – selection from 217 congeners

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)


Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Halogenated

Aromatic Amines



This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.




  NICODOM IR Agrochemicals/Pesticides, 1302 spectra


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The infrared spectral library „NICODOM IR Pesticides, 1302 spectra“ is a unique collection of 1302 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of pesticides and related compounds.


Typical information about the sample contains:


Synonyms (up to 10 different synonyms)

Type (herbicide, insecticide, fungicide…)


CAS Number

Molecular weight

Chemical Formula


Example of included information:



Synonyms: Ortho 12420; O,S-dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate; Acephate; Acetamidophos; Acetylphosphoramidothioic acid O,S-dimethyl ester; Asataf; Dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate; Kitron; Orthene; Orthene-755; Ortran; Phosphoramidothioic acid, N-acetyl-, O,S-dimethyl ester;

Formula: C4H10NO3PS

CAS: 30560-19-1

Molecular weight: 183.16166


The library includes spectra of pure analytical standards (active compounds of pesticides), examples of commercial formulations (mixtures) and other helping substances.


This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.




  NICODOM IR Drugs, 1463 spectra


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The infrared spectral library „NICODOM IR Drugs“ is an advanced collection of 1463 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of drugs and related compounds.


Typical information about the sample contains:



Synonyms (up to 10 different synonyms)

CAS Number

Molecular weight

Chemical Formula



Example of included information:

Code: DG0001        

Name: Acebutolol Hydrochloride   

CAS: 34381-68-5

Formula: C18H29ClN2O4

Molecular weight: 372.891,


Manufacturer: Sigma


The library includes spectra of analytical drug standards, street drugs and other helping substances.


This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.





  NICODOM IR Suspect Powders, 1015 spectra


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The infrared spectral library „NICODOM IR Suspect Powders“ has been designed for on-site identification of unknown suspect powders by portable infrared detectors. Also it can be used in connection with IR spectrometers in forensic laboratories.

The library „NICODOM IR Suspect Powders“ contains 1015 infrared spectra of harmless, suspect and dangerous powders and will clasify an unknown powder as harmless, suspect or dangerous*.


Examples of compound types:

Harmless – easily accessible powders e.g. related to food, washing and cleaning, cosmetics, building...

Suspect – common chemicals and biochemicals, powdered polymers...

Dangerous – basic explosives, drugs, pesticides, poisons...


Typical information about the sample contains:


Name: Strychnine Nitrate         

CAS: 66-32-0                          

Formula: C21H23N3O5             

Type: Poison

Classification: Hazardous


Name: Trinitrotoluene (TNT)     

CAS: 118-96-7                        

Formula: C7H5N3O6                

Type: Explosive

Classification: Hazardous


Name: Ariel                            

Manufacturer: Procter&Gamble                          

Type: Washing Powder             

Note: 30-90C, universal, not for wool and silk

Classification: Harmless


This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.


* - Note: the classification „harmless, suspect, dangerous” is valid when the analyzed compound is used in accordance with manufacturers instructions and for spectrum similarity match 100%. For spectrum similarity match < 100% and by mixtures with low content of dangerous or suspect substances and other critical and special cases the classification must be confirmed by visual comparison of the spectra and by other analytical methods.




  NICODOM IR Solvents, 445 spectra


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The infrared spectral library „NICODOM IR Solvents“ contains 445 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of solvents.


Typical information about the sample contains:


Compound Name (more synonyms)

CAS Number

Molecular Formula

Boiling Point in oC

Molecular Weight

Compound Category

Sample Purity


This FTIR spectral library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library package “NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“.




The Nicodom FTIR spectra of toxic and hazardous compounds were collected using the FTIR Spectrometer Nexus 670 ™ (Thermo) and the Miracle™ single bounce ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) equipped by Diamond, ZnSe, or Si crystals.


The Nicodom spectral library of polymers features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement time 1 minute, the instrument was purged by dried air.


The complete information is available in the full library version (not available in the demo list of compounds)


The last library update has been done 2011, the Nicodom IR Libraries include many new substances which came to market during the last decade.


This FTIR spectra library is available as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic software. Also it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format.


To download the list of spectra, to download a free demo library compatible with your software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other NICODOM products please visit our webpage.



NICODOM IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra

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NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU


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