The near infrared spectral library „ISP NIR Spectra“ is a unique collection of 6049 NIR (near infrared) digital spectra.
The spectra have been collected in range 4200-10000 cm-1 (=2.4 – 1 micrometers).
„ISP NIR Spectra“ is the biggest and newest NIR library available on the market. This spectral library has been designed for users
who use their NIR spectrometer not only for quantitative and chemometric analysis, but also want to identify unknown samples
or just want to use the library as reference spectra database.
ISP means “Intergrating Sphere” and at the same time “Identify Sample”.
Technical parameters:
The „ISP NIR Spectra“ were collected using the FT-NIR Spectrometer
equipped with Integrating Sphere Accessory.
Resolution: standard 4cm-1
Customized resolution: upon special request the spectra can be delivered
in customized resolution to reach better correspondence
with spectra collected by customer NIR instrument
Spectral range in wavenumbers units: 4200-10000 cm-1
Spectral range in wavelength units: 2.4 – 1 micrometers
Only one spectrum/compound covering the mentioned spectral range
Typical information about the sample includes (when available):
Compound name including synonyms
CAS number
Chemical formula
Molecular weight
Additional information about the sample like manufacturer and comments.
Download a free NIR library of 30 NIR spectra to check the compatibility
of you instrument with the „ISP NIR Spectra“.
Samples were selected and NIR spectra collected 2010-2012.
This library is available as digital searchable library compatible with
your spectroscopic software. Visit the „Download“ section
of our webpage to select the correct library format. The spectra are
available in wavenumbers (cm-1) units or wavelength (micrometer) units.
Also the library can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf
format (if you do not have a spectroscopic software)
The near infrared spectral library „ISP NIR Spectra” can be purchased as
a complete collection of over 6049 spectra or
as following application specific sublibraries.
The list of spectra is in *.pdf format. You must have Adobe Acrobat
Reader(TM) to display the list.
Ordering Code |
Library Name |
Number of Spectra |
ISP NIR Complete Collection |
List of spectra |
6049 |
ISP NIR Sublibraries*: |
ISP NIR Starter |
1043 |
ISP NIR Pharma, Drugs |
1340 |
ISP NIR Polymers, Additives |
1740 |
ISP NIR Hazardous, Toxic |
1718 |
ISP NIR Dyes, Pigments |
1005 |
* all
sublibraries spectra are included in the complete collection ISNNCM-X and have the same technical parameters
ISP NIR Complete Collection
(6049 spectra)
This collection includes all NIR spectra collected within this project. Those are organic and inorganic chemicals, pharmaceutical excipients,
drugs, polymers, additives, coatings, dyes, pigments, toxic substances, hazardous substances like explosives, agrochemicals and
other types of materials. This collection should be chosen by customers with broad range of analytical applications.
the list of compounds for „IS
NIR Complete Collection (6049 spectra)”.
ISP NIR Sublibraries
sublibraries spectra are included in the “ISP NIR Complete Collection” and
have the same technical parameters
ISP NIR Starter (1043 spectra)
This sublibrary includes selection of common organic and inorganic
chemicals, common pharmaceutical related substances
and common polymers. It has been designed for beginners on the field of
NIR spectroscopy.
the list of compounds for “ISP NIR Starter (1043 spectra)”.
ISP NIR Pharma, Drugs (1340
This NIR sublibrary has been designed for QC or R&D laboratories of
pharmaceutical industry, for laboratories studying drugs
and forensic laboratories. It includes NIR spectra of pharnaceutical
excipients, drugs or active substances and other supporting
chemicals used in pharma industry.
the list of compounds for “ISP NIR Pharma, Drugs (1340 spectra)”
ISP NIR Polymers, Additives
(1740 spectra)
This NIR sublibrary has been designed for polymer industry, recycling
industry, packing material industry, coatings industry and
other laboratories who use their NIR spectrometer for studying of
polymers, polymer additives and other polymer related materials.
the list of compounds for “ISP NIR Polymers, Additives (1740 spectra)”
ISP NIR Hazardous, Toxic (1718 spectra)
This NIR sublibrary includes selection of hazardous and toxic substances. It also includes spectra of agrochemicals and explosives.
Can be used in forensic and environmental laboratories and anywhere where NIR is used as „first responder“.
Download the list of compounds for „IS NIR Hazardous, Toxic (1718 spectra)”
ISP NIR Dyes and Pigments (1005 spectra)
This NIR sublibrary includes spectra of dyes, pigments and related compounds.
Download the list of compounds for „IS NIR Dyes and Pigments (1005 spectra)”
Picture 1: Unknown NIR spectrum clearly identified by IS NIR Spectra using Thermo OMNIC ™ software
Picture 2: NIR spectrum of Sucrose (powder), CAS: 57-50-1, in cm-1 units (range 4200-10000 cm-1),
resolution 4cm-1, Copyright Nicodom 2012
Picture 3: NIR spectrum of Sucrose (powder), CAS: 57-50-1, in micrometer
(range 2.4 – 1 micrometers), Copyright Nicodom 2012
To download the list of
spectra from this library, to download a free demo library compatible with your
to check the format
compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering info and information about all
and other NICODOM products please visit our webpage.
Download the free NIR
Demo Library of 30 spectra in format compatible with your software.
ISP NIR Spectra, 6049 NIR
digital spectra
Copyright © Moss/NICODOM 2010-2012
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU
Tel: +420-281914970, Fax: +420-281914971
last update: Oct 17th,