The FTIR spectra database
„Nicodom IR Essential Oils“ covers the needs of customers interested in
essential oils analysis. Our collection includes
not only FTIR spectra of pure essential oils and carrier oils. Important
group of samples are also additives used for essential oils dilution,
stabilization and other improvements and pure components present in Essential
Oils. „Nicodom IR Essential
Oils“ is a first spectral library which can help you to distinguish pure
Essential Oil from less valuable products called Aromatherapy oils,
Fragrance Oils, Perfume Oils,
Esoteric Oils, Massage Oils etc. Some examples of diluted, treated
oils and blends are also included in the
library. Essential oils are
botanical extracts of various plant materials prepared by cold pressing,
extraction, or distillation. They might have slightly
different composition depending on the extraction methods and geographical
region. The full version of
„Nicodom IR Essential Oils“ include common oil name, product type (essential
or other), region, latin plant name and other sample information. The following list only
include the common oil names without important details. The spectra were
collected using the FTIR Spectrometer Impact 410 and Nexus 670 ™ (Thermo) and
the Miracle™ single bounce ATR accessory (Pike
Technologies) equipped by Si or Diamond crystal. The spectral library
features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement
time 1 minute. This library is available
as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic software.
Also it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format. To download the list of
spectra from this library, to download a free demo library compatible with
your software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering
info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other NICODOM
products please visit our webpage. Download
list of spectra for this library. |
NICODOM IR Essential Oils
543 FTIR spectra
Copyright © NICODOM 2012-2024
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU