NICODOM IR Pharmaceuticals
(1132 spectra)
The infrared spectral
library „NICODOM FTIR Pharmaceuticals“
contains 1132 FTIR spectra of pharmaceutical excipients and related
compounds. The library contains
typical pharmaceutical excipients (e.g. Acidity Regulators, Anti-caking Agents, Antifoaming Agents, Preservatives, Antioxidants,
Stabilizers, Coating Agent, Glazing Agents, Colorants, Emulsifiers, Flavors,
Glidants, Lubricants, Sweeteners…….). Furthermore, spectra of aminoacids,
vitamins, common drugs and other compounds used in pharmaceutical industry
are also included. The spectra were
collected using the FTIR Spectrometer Nexus 670 ™ (Thermo) and the Miracle ™
single bounce ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) equipped by silicon crystal. The spectra were
collected with resolution 2cm-1 (the library has resolution 4cm-1) in the
spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement time 1 minute, the instrument was
purged by dried air. Information about the
sample contains: Name CAS Number Chemical Formula Pharmaceutical Purpose Category Purity Synonyms Related FTIR spectral
libraries: see “NICODOM
IR Drugs” (1463 FTIR spectra). This library is available
as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic software. Also
it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format. To download the list of
spectra from this library, to download a free demo library compatible with
your software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist,
ordering info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other
NICODOM products please visit our webpage. Download list of
spectra for this library. |
NICODOM IR Pharmaceuticals, 1132 FTIR spectra of pharmaceuticals
Copyright © NICODOM 2006-2024
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU