NICODOM IR Solvents (445
The infrared spectral
library „NICODOM IR Solvents“ contains 445 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of
solvents. The spectra were collected
using the FTIR Spectrometer Nexus 670 ™(Thermo) and the Miracle ™ single
bounce ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) equipped by silicon crystal. The spectral library
features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement
time 1 minute, the instrument was purged by dried air. This FTIR spectral
library can be purchased separatelly or as a part of cost effective library
package “NICODOM
IR Toxic/Hazardous Package, 7313 spectra“. |
Typical information about
the sample contains: Compound Name (more
synonyms) CAS Number Molecular Formula Boiling Point in oC Molecular Weight Compound Category Sample Purity |
This library is available
as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic software.
Also it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format. To download the list of
spectra from this library, to download a free demo library compatible with
your software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist,
ordering info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other
NICODOM products please visit our webpage. Download list of
spectra for this library. |
NICODOM IR Solvents, 445 FTIR spectra of solvents
Copyright © NICODOM 2006-2024
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU